Are you in need of help? Need to talk to some one?

Here are some links and information that may help.

Kids Help Phone
When you can't talk about it, text about it they offer confidential texting service for free across Canada 24/7

Text 686868

or you can Call 180066806868

If you or someone you know is in immediate danger

Contact 911 or the emergency services in your area right away.

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gray concrete wall inside building
Domestic Violence & Intimate Partner Violence

Domestic Violence, intimate partner violence and sexual assault do not discriminate. They can affect all sexual orientations, all genders and identities and all relationships. There are many types of domestic violence, but physical and sexual can be very life threatening. If you have experienced this type of violence or assault, you may not want to report it for any number of reasons, but that does not mean you can not seek help for your health care issues and needs.

The Horizon Health Network’s website states…”If you are or have been a victim of sexual or domestic violence and want support and a possible forensic examination: Please go to the Emergency Department at one of our five designated hospitals and ask for the SANE nurse."

· You do not have to explain the reason for your hospital visit; just ask to see the SANE nurse.

· You are NOT required to report the assault to police to receive the services of a SANE nurse.

· No police officer is present during the forensic examination.

More information about the SANE program can be found on their website

The program is available for “Adults, adolescents and children of all genders who are victims of sexual violence and is for all genders who are victims of domestic violence."

The following hospital locations provide this service

Horizon Health Network

Vitalité Health Network

In addition, a local based charity, We’re Hear For You has a Comfort Kit Project…”has been set up by volunteers based on donations to provide comfort kits, new replacement clothing and gift cards to those who have attended the local emergency rooms after suffering from Intimate Partner Violence, Family Violence and/or Sexual Violence.”

The kits are gender neutral and are to provide items for personal care.

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white and black abstract painting
Pleasantview Gem Inn

Not just pleasant on the outside, our Pleasantview Gem Inn properties are especially popular among families. With underground parking and floor-to-ceiling windows, there's no shortage of natural light or space.

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worm's-eye view photography of concrete building