Thank You!

As a non profit, we depend on donations and support from government, the business & corporate sector, and through private and personal donations from the public.

The funds go towards helping us provide community and social events, gatherings and celebrations that connect us to each other and to the greater community.

Your donations and support help us to provide partial or full assistance to those in our community that may be struggling to afford gender affirming clothing, and access to the health care they may need outside of their community.

Your support helps to cover the cost to deliver free workshops on Safe Zone Training, and to support our efforts to provide safe spaces for our youth, families and our seniors to be in.

Your support also allows us to host and bring and Queer performers and events to our area to showcase the wealth of talent and inclusivity that does exist here.

We are here to support others because of your donation and support.

Thank You on wooden blocks
Thank You on wooden blocks

To say thank you, we are pleased to add your business logo and link below for others to connect with you. If you wish your donation to remain private, you may also do that.

Monetary Donations

E-Transfers: We accept E-transfer donations at

Zeffy: We also use Zeffy for our fundraising platform and they allow us to keep 100% of your donation or gift, unlike some other platforms that charge a percent. You can visit our page at Zeffy.

Non-monetary Donations

Not all donations need to be monetary, and they are just as important. Donations like providing a no charge safe space to host an event, donating snacks and coffee or water, volunteering your time at an event, or placing a pride sticker in your business window welcoming our community members. These are all just as important and make a significant contribution to being able to provide inclusion and support, not just our community, but the entire community.

$5000 and up

Gold Level


Silver Level


Bronze Level

A Private Community Member

Up to $999

Crossing Guard Level

We would like to Thank our partners who have donated materials to The Rainbow Crosswalk to help us and our community.