Friendly Business Directory

Looking for a business that is owned and operated by someone from the 2SLGBTQIA+ or a business that is an ally and welcoming? It can be hard to know when you walk through a door if you will be welcomed or not.

Here you can find businesses of all types that are from within community or support our community.

If you know of a business, let them know about our directory and let us know about them and we be glad to reach out!

gray and blue Open signage
gray and blue Open signage

Woodstock's newest thrift store has opened for business! They have clothing for the whole family, home decor to kitchenware, books, games, videos and some furniture. New items are always stocked regularly.

844 Main Street, Woodstock in the lower parking lot.

Woodstock's little gem of wonderful local crafts and artistry. In the back of the gallery is a cafe that has some of the most wonderful and delicious food. Inviting and welcoming, if you have not had a visit yet, add it to your bucket list.

119 Connell Street, Woodstock

Overlooking the beautiful Nackawic River Valley, The Sunset View Campground in Hawkshaw is an inclusive campground offering a boutique-style camping experience. Their mission is to reignite your love for the outdoors by providing exceptional customer service, valet parking (if desired), and a serene, peaceful and quiet park that will leave you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. All of this and it is right in our back yard!

45 Hawkshaw Road, Hawkshaw

Looking for a good local brew, entertainment and fun? Cross Creek Brewing is a local Woodstock company you have to visit. Cozy, great staff, wonderful local crafted beer, games to play and there is always something going on!

They are located at 553 Main Street, Woodstock

Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory

Coffee, espresso and sweets or gluten-free treat and a smoothie, Harlen Brews has a new location that makes it a cozy spot to relax, and a great place to meet up with friends and the staff are helpful and kind.

They are located at 616 Main Street, Woodstock

Home to O'Corey's bar and restaurant, The Unicorn dining room and The Deck during the summer. The River has something for everyone's appetite under one roof with the atmosphere to go with it.

They are located at 558 Main Street, Woodstock

Looking for stress-free clothes shopping experience? Dressed by Bec is a stylish and cozy gem, offering women's clothing for all seasons and the accessories to put your new look together. They offer unique finds you won't always see in the box stores.

They are located at 651 Main Street, Woodstock