Bringing our community closer together, one crosswalk at a time.

person holding white heart shaped ornament with rainbow above
person holding white heart shaped ornament with rainbow above

This is our and your, place under the rainbow. Here you will find information about who we are and what we do. You will find information on events, resources and hopefully a community where you feel safe and seen. If you have any suggestions, want to reach out to say hi, not finding a resource you need or maybe volunteer with us, please contact us.

Welcome to our little place under the rainbow!

Rainbow Allies, Friends and Family

Those who would hate us

Rainbow Family Members

If you are an ally, a friend or a family member, welcome to the Crosswalk. You are one of our valued and loved crossing guards, who help support us and keep us safe, and who advocate for us and with us.

Let us know if we can help you... help us.

If you have found yourself here, for whatever reason, we hope you will use this time as an opportunity to begin to unlearn the hate you have been taught by the misinformation you have been provided.

Here, you can find a safe space to explore the real truth and reality of who we are and how to begin a new life-long ally-ship and expand your community as well.

We provide factual information and resources to begin your journey.

Let us help you to take the Crosswalk out of hate to a life of joy and love on the other side, where everyone can be themselves with respect and dignity.

Those who are Questioning

If you are at a place in your life where you are questioning your sexuality or your gender and just not sure where you may fit in, The Rainbow Crosswalk is a place for you to look for information and to ask questions without judgment. You can always contact us, we will keep your information confidential.

We are still working on adding information to our website. It has been a busy few months and there is just not enough time in the day to meet the expectation we have set for ourselves.

So, we have put together our basic information with more to come on resources, healthcare, Safe Zone training and other education material.

You can always reach out to use with questions or concerns. We hope to be able to respond within 24 hours.

Contact Us